Courtesy of Gib’s Kids Facebook page; used by permission
As we were thinking about and planning for the upcoming tenth anniversary of Susan’s disappearance, we came across a wonderful organization called Gib’s Kids. Susan sometimes had to ask friends for food to feed her boys, since her husband Josh was so controlling with money (and everything else) She would have loved spreading the word about and helping this group. It is such a worthy cause and we encourage you to donate if you can and to spread the word so others can donate, either with non-perishable food dropped off at the school or with an online financial donation.
Gib’s Kids background:
“Three years ago, we discovered that our friend, Krista Gibbons, a teacher at West Jordan Middle School (WJMS), was self-funding a pantry to help her students. With no federal funding for breakfast at West Jordan Middle School, up to 40 students a day from food-insecure families were (and are) coming to class hungry.
“She saw the brilliance of her students, and realized that with a little help, they would have the energy to do their best at school each day. These kids are exceptionally vulnerable to gang recruitment, as the main draw is stability with food and clothing for them and their families; once you’re in, the stats are low that kids get out.
“We worked with Krista, West Jordan Middle School, and the Jordan Education Foundation to establish the Lion’s Pantry in 2017. Since then, we’ve seen students say no to gangs and look out for fellow-students, because they know that someone else cares.”
See these links for more information:
Deseret News
West Jordan Journal
Gib’s Kids Facebook Page
Food Donation Drop-Off Information:
West Jordan Middle School, 7550 S Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT 84084
Hours: Mon-Fri 7-3pm, CLOSED on Saturday and Sunday.
Parking: As the West Jordan Middle School parking lot is currently under renovation, visitor parking is in the church parking lot directly across from the school.
Instructions: All visitors must visit the Main Office. Food donations will be collected in a donation box in the Main Office.
Items Needed:
Non-perishable snack, lunchbox, and/or school friendly items. Examples: Granola Bars, non-perishable tuna snack packs, snack-size applesauce or fruit cups, snack-size pudding, beef jerky sticks, crackers, water-bottles, Gatorade, Pop-tarts, etc.
Two Options for Cash Donation:
1. Donate Directly on Venmo: @GibsKids
2. To receive a letter for tax deductible donations, please donate by mailing in a check:
• Go to www.jordaneducationfoundation.org, click on the top ribbon “JEF Forms”, and download/print the
JEF Contribution Form (https://www.jordaneducationfoundation.org/jef-forms).
• Fill out the Jordan Education Foundation Contribution form. Make sure to designate the funds to the
“Lion’s Pantry” on the Designated School/Department line.
• Include Contribution form with check and mail to:
Jordan School District
7387 S. Campus View Drive
West Jordan, Utah, 84084
Additional Information:
• 49.8% of K-12 public school students at West Jordan Middle participate in the National School Lunch Program
• To qualify for free lunch, children’s family income must be under $15,171 in 2015 (below 130% of the poverty line). 41.6% of students at West Jordan Middle receive free lunch.
• To qualify for reduced lunch, children’s family income must be below $21,590 annual income in 2015 (185% of the poverty line). 8.1% of students at West Jordan Middle receive reduced lunch. (http://publicschools.startclass.com/l/92592/West-Jordan-Middle)
- The Lion’s Pantry currently supports 30-40 students a day, on a needs basis. Student can come anonymously, no questions asked. Students support each other, and a school culture of mutual support is developing.
- Some students come in the morning without having eaten since they left school the night before, or even over the weekend. For this reason, the Lion’s Pantry in Krista Gibbon’s classroom aims to keep largely non-perishable, packaged food on hand as well as basic school supplies for students from homes struggling financially.